Farout Terms and Conditions

A Registered Member Of the Turkish Travel Agencies Association (Soh Travel Tursab license 13689).

1. All holidays and offers on this website are sold subject to the following conditions.

2. Farout Cruises, Farout Yachting, Farout Turkey and SailTurkey.Net are registered trademarks of and operated by Soh Travel Agency. Farout Tourism Co. Ltd. and will hereafter be referred to as “Farout”, “us”, or “we”.

3. we intend to set out the responsibilities we at Farout have to You (the client) and any member of your party and which the client, in turn, has to us when a contract is made between the client and us. You should, therefore, read and understand the contents.

4. Boat, gulet, yacht, the ship is hereafter referred to as 'vessel'. Tour/cruise and holiday are hereafter referred to as a product. Seller/travel agency is hereafter referred to as 'agent.'

5. The person whose name is on the booking contract will be considered the group’s leader and therefore accepts these terms and conditions for and on behalf of all the persons named on, substituted or added to the booking reservation form. All persons named will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted all Booking Conditions.

6. All trips featured on Farout websites, brochures and in-store are operated by or sold by Farout as an agent of local Operators/providers, as well as our local products. Your contract will be with Farout as an agent of other Product Operators.

7. All prices shown/displayed are current at the time of putting the website online. The information given here is based on the latest news available. The prices may increase/or decrease actively online due to various reasons. This would not affect your rates or terms once your booking has been confirmed.

8. Liability of Farout. Farout accepts no liability if additional costs to the Client are incurred through delay, accident or disruption of the Product(s) beyond the control of Farout. In respect of carriage by air, sea, and rail and the provision of accommodation, Farout's liability in the said cases will be limited in the manner provided by the relevant international conventions. Farout can accept no responsibility for schedule changes and delays due to breakdowns in machinery or equipment, strikes, theft, baggage loss/damage, or injury arising out of or in connection with hotel accommodation or any transportation, baggage handling, or any matter related hereto. The client will bear all such losses or expenses.

9. No-Show If a client fails to join a product or enters it after departure, or leaves before product completion, no refund by Farout will be made.

10. Agent’s responsibility: it is your agent’s responsibility to advise Farout of any special requirements you may have and to communicate to you any changes or alterations recommended to your agent by Farout

11. Information and Pricing Policy Before a booking is confirmed, Farout reserves the right to amend any brochure, website and in-store prices due to any circumstances outside the control of Farout, such as but not limited to changes relating to governmental action, increases in transportation costs (including schedule airfares and the cost of fuel) changes in any dues, taxes or fees chargeable for services (including landing taxes or embarkation/disembarkation fees at airports), We reserve the right to change or adjust any of the facilities, transport, services, increases in admission fees itineraries, prices gasoline price increases and similar causes or vessels described here without being liable for any compensation or refund. Increases in admission fees and exchange rates. In such a case, each passenger (client) could be required to pay an additional amount for the product reflecting such increases.

12. Client Exclusion and Local Law Clients agree to accept the authority and decisions of Farout employees and its supplier's employees and representatives whilst on the product. If, in the opinion of such persons, the health or conduct of a Client before or after the departure appears likely to endanger the safe, comfortable or happy progress of the product, the Client may be excluded from all or part of the product without prior notice or any liability on the part of Farout. In the case of the Client's ill health, Farout may make such arrangements as it sees fit and will recover the costs thereof from the Client. Passengers (clients) agree to comply with the laws and regulations of Turkey. Farout shall not be liable to clients who commit illegal or unlawful acts whilst on the product.

13. Flight, Ferry and Bus Intermediary. Farout is an intermediary between the client and any flight/ferry/bus companies; if any changes are made by the company, including delays, cancellations or any other unforeseen circumstance, Farout holds no liability. If the company issues any changes, Farout guarantees contact with their clients to inform them of the changes, delays and cancellations. In case of delays, Farout will not issue refunds; however, in cancellations by the flight, ferry or bus company, refunds will be given as per the relevant companies' terms and conditions. Farout is always on the client's side and will do everything in their best interest.

14. Adventure Activities Farout can arrange for the client to participate in 'Adventure activities such as Paragliding, Diving or Hot Air Ballooning example, however, as a representative agent for the activity companies, any legalities resulting from accident, damage or loss is in no way the responsibility of Farout, the Client undertakes such risks at their own volition. However, as an intermediary between the client and the adventure company, Farout will fulfil its Duty of Care by providing products of a reasonable standard and supplying any necessary information. It is the Client's responsibility to be aware of the possible risks in their chosen activity. Farout accepts no liability if there has been no fault on the part of Farout or its suppliers, and the reason for the claimed damages was either the Client’s fault or a result of unusual circumstances beyond the control of Farout or of any consequences that could not have been avoided even with all due care.

15. Travel Documentation It is the responsibility of the Client to have a valid passport (of which many countries require passports to be suitable for six months beyond your stay) and the correct visa for entry into Turkey; despite it being an online visa, it is recommended to print it out, we have posted the link here for all information https://www.evisa.gov.tr/en/info/what-is-an-e-visa/ vaccinations, preventative medicines, and other medical certificates and all necessary travel documents. Farout is not liable for damages arising from changes in regulations or laws to the required travel document requirements. Information about these matters is given in good faith by Farout but without liability. In the case of lost or stolen documents, while Farout is more than happy to assist in any way possible, we cannot be held responsible for any additional costs. The Client is not entitled to any reimbursement or compensation for paid travel expenses.

16. Travel and Health Insurances Clients are entirely responsible and strongly advised by Farout to obtain their Travel and Health insurance (sickness & accidents), covering baggage loss/damage, theft, and cancellations. Repatriation or otherwise while travelling. In case of these events during the product, we shall not be liable for any cost or expense arising. All commercial and public purpose vessels used by Farout are required by Turkish law to have minimum liability insurance.

17. Health and Conduct Before booking, all Clients are expected to satisfy themselves that they are fit and can complete the itinerary of their chosen product. Any Clients with pre-existing medical conditions or illness must declare the true nature of such conditions at the time of booking and make arrangements to provide any medication or other treatment that may be required during the product. Such a client is required to provide a medical statement from a General Practitioner to confirm they are fit to travel. Failure to make such a disclosure will constitute a breach of these booking conditions and relieve Farout of any obligations and liability. Inoculations and Allergies It is the Client's responsibility to have any vaccinations that may be required for your intended destinations. Clients must advise Farout of any allergies or other physical conditions that might affect them during the product. Any additional relevant medical and health information should be disclosed to Farout before booking.

18. Airport transfers can be included at an extra cost from any airport in Turkey. Full flight details, including arrival time and flight number, must be provided 2 weeks before arrival. Failure to provide complete and correct information may void any refunds for transfers.

19. Free Time Certain periods during the product may be designated as "free time". These periods are provided primarily to allow the Client to rest, relax and explore. The Client is free to use this free time as they wish. Farout does not accept responsibility for any loss, accident or injury during such ‘free time.

20. Photography Our company representatives may take photographs and films of our Clients while using any Farout Product. Any client who feels uncomfortable in these circumstances should let the captain or crew know, so they are not photographed whilst on board. Farout reserves the right to use said material for any advertising or promotion without obtaining further consent. Farout also reserves the right to use any comments Clients make, questionnaires or complimentary letters concerning Farout or its Products in promotional literature without obtaining further consent. If the Client does not want any images to be used by Farout, they may advise us by email.

21. Personal Data All Client data is protected under the "Protection of Personal Data" laws in Turkey. It is considered that when the contract is signed, the Client agrees to the use of this data. Farout reserves the right to use said data for direct marketing purposes, market research, client demographics, statistics and information for Farout and its business partners. If the Client does not want any data to be used by Farout, they may advise by email and said data would be destroyed.

22. Acceptance of Terms:
Receipt of a deposit or final payment indicates that product participants (clients) have read and accepted all the above and affiliated websites' terms and conditions and agree to abide by them.

23. Private Yacht Charters

23.1. Confirmation / Deposit Payment For Farout Private Yacht Charters: Bookings can only be confirmed when a minimum of 30% to 60% (depending on vessel class) deposit has been received by Farout. On rare occasions, some charters may request full payment. The amount will be confirmed automatically by our online booking system or with a team member if the booking is made via E-mail. It is also the responsibility of the client to check and confirm to Farout that they have received all bookings, tickets, itineraries and other relevant information.

23.2 Farout Private Yacht Charters Balance Payment:
Depending on each vessel, some charters require pre-payment, and some require payment on arrival; our crew will notify you during the booking process.

23.2.a. Bookings with Pre-payment requested: The balance should be paid 8 weeks before arrival unless agreed differently between Farout and the client over emails. Our crew will notify you of all payment dates during booking, and confirmation will be sent to you by E-mail.

23.2.b. Bookings with 'Arrival Payment' requested: For some charters, a balance payment will be requested on arrival. Regarding Balance payments, besides Euro, we also accept Lira, Usd, GBP, Cad, and Aud currencies that will be converted with xe.com exchange rates.

23.2.c. Farout accepts no responsibility for variations in the final transaction amount due to fees and exchange rates used by banking institutions.

23.3. Cancellations By Clients. Clients can cancel their contract with Farout at any time. The cancellation will be effective when Farout receives a written request from the Agent or for direct bookings from the Client. Clients who wish to cancel their charter product for any reason shall be entitled to reimbursement, the amount of which depends on the timing of the cancellation; see below.

Cancellation Fees for Farout Private Yacht Charters Cancellation Fees:

• More than 1 year before the product begins, the total amount will be refunded in the event of cancellation.

• Between 1 year and 180 days before the beginning of the product, in the event of cancellation, 30% of the value of the charter package.

• Between 179 days and 90 days before the beginning of the product, in the event of cancellation, 50% of the value of the charter package.

• Less than 89 days' notice before the beginning of the product in the event of cancellation, 100% of the value of the package holiday.

• No refund whatsoever is given to a partially used product or service.

23.4. Cancellation By Farout (Force Majeure) We reserve the right to cancel any confirmed booking in the unusual circumstances of force majeure, defined here as war, the threat of war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity (threatened or actual), natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, flight cancellation, or any other external circumstances beyond the control of Farout. Compensation is not available if Farout is forced to cancel or in any way change a product due to force majeure

23.5. Captains Authority and Responsibility All passengers are contractually obliged to comply with the vessel rules for their safety; upon embarking on all Farout vessels, there is a meeting explaining safety procedures and vessel rules. For the clients' safety, the crew and the ship, the Captain can change the navigation itinerary. Any high-risk activity or water sports the client wishes to partake in do this solely at their own risk. They must comply with local regulations and the crew's opinion and have all the necessary permits and
skills. Our Captains also have the overall authority to terminate any product early due to any circumstances connected to adverse weather, dangerous and highly inappropriate behaviour of the passengers or sudden deterioration of anyone's medical condition. The Vessels Rules are a constituent part of these General Terms and Conditions.

23.6. Complaints For Yacht Charter In the unlikely event of a complaint, it should be brought first to the attention of the Captain and crew during the product. If the complaint cannot be remedied at this time, then the client must get the complaint to the attention of the Farout office so that Farout can take immediate action. Suppose Farout cannot resolve the problem immediately. In that case, a complaint must be made in writing by the Client and sent to Farout within 30 days of the completion of the product, and the passenger(client) should submit appropriate evidence regarding the complaint. Complaints received 31 days or more after the completion of the product will not be acknowledged. Furthermore, Farout is not obliged to resolve any complaints that had not been submitted earlier on-site.

23.7. Exclusions Extra beverages, food or snacks, Fuel for the watersports (for vessels which have water sports available onboard), international port fees, airport arrival/departure taxes, transfers, land products, and excursions, professional product guides, visas, personal insurance, personal items such as but not limited to, telephone, fax or Internet/E-mail access charges, film, fees for taking photographs or videos in specific locations, fees for changing money, medical expenses, excess baggage fees, customs duties, shopping and tips or gratuities.

23.8. Vessel Capacity. Each vessel has an official capacity of the number of passengers (clients), which is clearly stated on all our sites and brochures. When booking with Farout, you must inform us of the exact number of passengers (clients) included in the product.

23.9. Vessel Engine Failure or Breakdown In the case of a vessel breakdown, Farout has 48 hours to resolve the problem by repairing it or replacing it with another vessel. No refund of any kind will be made under these circumstances. (for any other complaints, please refer to section 23.6.)

23.10. Unforeseen Changes to Chartered Vessel, Routes or Ports. Farout has the right to change any pre-arranged/pre-booked chartered vessel in the event of unforeseen circumstances, taking into account our client's best interest at all times. In such cases, we will offer a boat of the same or a higher standard. We will endeavour to provide alternative dates on public holidays and during the peak times of the season when an alternative may not be available. These changes may also affect departure/arrival ports and routes, and if this is the case, Farout will cover all transfer costs to new ports. No extra charges will result to the client; however, under these circumstances, no refunds will be given.

23.11. Duty Of Care If the product includes a Private Yacht Charter, the group leader will be obliged to take due care of the inventory and equipment of the vessel during the development. It is the responsibility of the Client to pay for such damage directly to the captain or the owner of the ship before the end of the product unless agreed otherwise

24. Cabin Cruises

24.1. Confirmation / Deposit Payment for Cabin Cruises: Bookings can only be confirmed when Farout has received a deposit. On rare occasions, some charters may request full payment. The amount will be verified automatically by our online booking system or with a team member if the booking is made via E-mail. It is also the responsibility of the client to check and confirm to Farout that they have received all bookings, tickets, itineraries and other relevant information.

24.2. PAYMENT PROCEDURE for Cabin Cruises

24.2.a. Balance payments:
Regarding Balance payments, besides Euro, we also accept Lira, Usd, GBP, Cad, and Aud currencies that will be converted with the xe.com exchange rate.

24.2.b. Farout accepts no responsibility for variations in the final transaction amount due to fees and exchange rates used by banking institutions.

24.3. Cancellations By Clients. Clients can cancel their contract with Farout at any time. The cancellation will be effective when Farout receives a written request from the Agent or for direct bookings from the Client. Clients who wish to cancel their charter product for any reason shall be entitled to reimbursement, the amount of which depends on the timing of the cancellation; see below.

24.4. Cancellation Fees and Policies for Farout Cabin Cruises.

Cabin Charter Cancellation Policies:
• 45 days or more notice Farout will accept cancellation and refund all money, except for an agreed 30% of the total product cost.
• 21 to 45 days' notice Farout will accept cancellation and refund all money, except for an agreed 50% of the total product cost.
• 20 days or less notice for cabin charters: no refunds.

24.5. Open Date Transfer Policy on selected cruises.
24.5.a. Due to unforeseen circumstances where a Client's circumstances change, if notice is given 3 weeks (21 days) before the cruise, Farout will offer the Client an open date option with no surcharge or transfer fees.
24.5.b. All deposits from the original booking will transfer to the new product dates to be confirmed between the client and Farout.
24.5.c. All dates will depend on availability, and prices may increase or decrease depending on advertised prices when the new booking is confirmed.
24.5.d. There are 9 fixed Cabin Charter routes between the ports of Fethiye and Kekova. Farouts Open Date Transfer policy is only available on these 9 routes
24.5.e. Our Open Date Transfer Policy is not available for any Cabin Charter Cruises departing from or arriving at any of the following ports Bodrum, Marmaris, Antalya or the Greek Islands.

24.6. No refund is given for a partially used product or service.

24.7. Cancellation By Farout We reserve the right to cancel any confirmed bookings due to unusual circumstances of Adverse weather conditions, fire or flight cancellations or any external circumstances beyond the control of Farout. In all cases, an alternative product will be offered to the client. This may result in alternative arrival and departure ports from the original booking. Farout will meet all port transfer costs. Clients will receive a full refund if Farout cannot provide an alternative product.
If a minimum number of products fails to secure sufficient bookings of 5 or fewer clients on any departure date, then Farout reserves the right to cancel the product; in this case, Farout will do its best to find a suitable alternative. The Client will be given the option of changing to an alternative cruise, which could be on the same date or a maximum of 5 days before or after the original booking date. Due to these circumstances, the client may need to arrive and depart at a different port. If Farout is unable to find an alternative date that meets the client's plans, the client will have the option of a full refund. However, this does not mean that every booking of 5 or fewer clients will be cancelled. Farout will inform the Client or the Client’s Agent.

24.8. Accommodation on Cabin Cruises-
On all products, there are 2 different types of accommodation options a) Shared Cabin Available and b) Shared Cabin Not Available.

24.8.a. Shared Cabin Available: On these products, we have Double, Twin, Triple and Quad cabin options. Every vessel has a different cabin layout and bed type. As a Vessel may change due to unforeseen circumstances, the cabin layout can also vary, cabins may have to be allocated last minute, and under these circumstances, we can not guarantee the place you will receive.

24.8.b. Shared cabins not available: On these products, all cabins have double beds; share cabins, triples and quads are not available. Solo travellers or when travelling in a group with odd numbers (i.e. 3/5/7 etc.), one person will have to pay a single supplement fee and book a cabin for themselves. A single supplement fee is payable and can be 70-100% (depending on the season) more than the advertised price.
Details of all separate routes can be found at Farout cruises. Each chosen course shows details of accommodation under the important information section.

Couples: If notified at the time of booking, we will arrange a private cabin for couples. We always try to put couples in a cabin with a double bed, but depending on the vessel layout, you may be in a private cabin with twin beds.

24.8.c. Solo clients / Non-Couples: Clients may be placed with other passengers in a Double, Twin, Triple or Quad cabin, which could be mixed gender (we will always try to match same-gender first, but it is not guaranteed). Solo clients can pre-book a private cabin with a single supplement fee of 70-100% more than the advertised price.

24.9. Cabin Cruise Complaints: In the unlikely event of a complaint, it should be brought first to the attention of the Captain and crew during the product. If the complaint cannot be remedied at this time, then the client must get the complaint to the attention of the Farout office so that Farout can take immediate action. Suppose Farout cannot resolve the problem immediately. In that case, a complaint must be made in writing by the Client and sent to Farout within 30 days of the completion of the product, and the passenger(client) should submit appropriate evidence regarding the complaint. Complaints received 31 days or more after the completion of the product will not be acknowledged. Furthermore, Farout is not obliged to resolve any complaints that had not been submitted earlier on-site.

24.10. Exclusions Airport arrival/departure taxes, visas, personal insurance, personal items such as but not limited to extra beverages, food or snacks at times other than your meal included on the itinerary, telephone, Internet/E-mail access charges, film, fees for taking photographs or videos in specific locations, fees for changing money, medical expenses, excess baggage fees, customs duties, shopping, tips or gratuities. In short, if not mentioned in the inclusions section of the itinerary, then it’s not included in the product.

24.11. Vessel Engine Failure or Breakdown In the case of a vessel breakdown, Farout has 48 hours to resolve the problem by repairing the vessel or placing it with another boat. No refund of any kind will be made under these circumstances. (for any other complaints, please refer to section 24.9)

24.12. Cabin Charter Guidelines and Regulations. Each vessel has different guidelines and regulations that they implement; some products can accommodate dietary requirements, A few vessels have air conditioning stated, but most do not. Some have age limits; some do not allow children on board. Clients should check each cruise's information thoroughly before booking is confirmed. After the confirmation of booking, these rules have been accepted and understood.

24.13. Extra Bar Payments and Prices Changes On all existing Cabin Charters, the Bar Tab/Bill is to be paid in cash only. Drink rates can be subject to price changes at any time.

24.14. Changes to Cabin Itinerary or Port. Farout reserves the right to change the carrier utilised or any part of the itinerary in the event of unforeseen circumstances, taking into account our client's best interest at all times. In such cases, we will offer an alternative. We will endeavour to provide alternative dates on public holidays and an option for peak times of the season when a choice may not be available. These changes may also affect departure/arrival from the original ports and routes, and if this is the case, Farout will cover all transfer costs to new ports from the virtual ports on the booking. No extra charges will result to the client; however, under these circumstances, no refunds will be given.


25.1. Deposit Payments for Farout Turkey: Bookings for all products can only be confirmed when Farout has received a deposit or the full payment. The amount will be confirmed automatically by our online booking system or with a team member if the booking is made via E-mail.

25.2. Balance Payment: Farout Turkey

25.2.a. Depending on the product, payment may be requested before departure or arrival. All products are processed individually, and all details will be confirmed on your ticket or itinerary.

25.2.b. Regarding Balance payments, besides Euro, we also accept Lira, Usd, GBP, Cad, and Aud currencies that will be converted with xe.com exchange rates.

25.2.c. Farout accepts no responsibility for variations in the final transaction amount due to fees and exchange rates used by banking institutions.

25.3. Cancellations By Clients. Clients can cancel their contract with Farout at any time. The cancellation will be effective when Farout receives a written request from the Agent or, for direct bookings, from the Client. Clients who wish to cancel their charter product for any reason shall be entitled to reimbursement, the amount of which depends on the timing of the cancellation; see below.

Cancellation Fees and Policies for Farout Turkey Travel and Land Tour Products 

Cancellation Fees: (Incorporating Products, Hotels, Buses and Ferry)

45 days or more notice Farout will accept cancellation and refund all money, except for an agreed 30% of the total product cost. Plus third party: Flight, Hotel, Ferry and Bus cancellation fees.

• 21 to 45 days' notice Farout will accept cancellation and refund all money, except for an agreed 50% of the total product cost. Plus third party: Flight, Hotel, Ferry and Bus cancellation fees.

• 20 days or less notice for cabin charters: no refunds.

• Farout is an intermediary between Flights, Hotels, Ferry and Bus companies, all of which have separate cancellation fees. The client will be notified of all charges regarding the cancellation of any/all of these services.

25.4. Open/Alternative Date Transfer Policy Due to any unforeseen events where a Clients circumstances change if notice is given 3 weeks (21 days) before the product, Farout will offer the Client an open date option with no surcharge or transfer fees. All deposits from the original booking will transfer to the new dates to be confirmed between the client and Farout. All dates will depend on availability, and prices may increase or decrease depending on advertised prices when the new booking is confirmed. This policy does not cover any flights, hotels, ferry or bus cancellation fees; they will be deducted and added to the balance of your next confirmed booking.

25.5. Cancellation By Farout. Farout reserve the right to decline and cancel any confirmed booking at our discretion without further explanation.

25.6. Product Exclusions International flights, Airport arrival/departure taxes, Customs duties, Visas, Personal/Health insurance, Medical expenses, Extra baggage fees on any flights, extra meals or beverages not included in the product itinerary, entrance fees that are not stated as part of the product, costs for changing money, fees for taking photographs or videos in specific locations, laundry, tips or gratuities, Any personal items. If not mentioned in the inclusions section of the itinerary, then it’s not included in the product.

25.7. Product Changes. Farout reserves the right at any time to change the carrier utilised, hotel or any part of the itinerary in the event of unforeseen circumstances taking into account our client's best interest at all times. In such cases, we will offer an alternative. We will endeavour to provide alternative dates on public holidays and an option for peak times of the season when a choice may not be available. These changes may also affect departure/arrival from cities/ports. If this is the case, Farout will cover all transfer costs to the new destination/ports from the original destination/ports on the booking. No extra charges will result to the client; however, under these circumstances, no refunds will be given.

25.8. Farout Turkey land tours and travel Complaints

25.8.a. In the unlikely event of a complaint regarding the product, clients must immediately bring the complaint to the attention of a Farout crew member (if available) or at the first opportunity at head office to take action.

25.8.b. Should Farout be unable to resolve the problem immediately, a complaint must be made in writing by the Client and sent to Farout within 30 days of the completion of the product.

25.8.c. Complaints received 31 days or more after the completion of the product will not be acknowledged.

25.8.d. Furthermore, Farout is not obliged to resolve any complaints that had not been submitted earlier on site.

25.9. Vessel Engine Failure or Breakdown If your product includes a vessel product, In the case of a breakdown of a vessel, Farout have got 48 hours to resolve the problem by repairing the ship or by replacing it with another boat. No refund of any kind will be made under these circumstances. (for any other complaints, please refer to section 25.8)

25.10. Guaranteed Departure Products on land tours. A considerable number of our products are guaranteed. Guaranteed Departure Products are guaranteed to depart on the dates advertised in the brochure except where beyond the control of Farout by Force Majeure.

25.11. Minimum Number Products on land tours Very few products operated by Farout have a minimum number requirement. If a minimum number of the products fails to secure sufficient bookings, Farout reserves the right to cancel the product; Farout will do its best to find a suitable alternative. The Client can change to an alternative product of comparable value or upgrade. If Farout cannot find an alternative product with a date that meets the Client's plans, the Client will have the option of a full refund. Farout will inform the Client or the Client’s Agent.

25.12. Domestic Flight Luggage allowance - on all Farout Package products that include a domestic flight, the baggage allowance is 15 Kilograms per person (client). If any extra weight allowance is required, then the client must notify Farout at the time of booking. All excess allowance weight above 15 Kilograms is subject to additional charges depending on the airlines. Farout takes no responsibility for any costs if the client's baggage allowance is overweight.

25.13. Hotel/Airport Transfers: Farout will need accurate information on the transfer pickup and drop-off points for any hotel or flight booked independently by the client. Details of all online hotel/flight booking documents must be emailed to us two weeks before the start of the product. (information must include flight number, times, hotel name, address etc.). If a client provides Farout with incorrect details, Farout will not be responsible for any liabilities.

25.14. Hotel Accommodation
25.14.a. Picking the right hotel On package products, where accommodation is included, Farout will do its best to pick the right hotel. The client will receive a detailed itinerary with the hotel listed, and we will ask for confirmation. The client is responsible for checking the details of the hotel, including reviews, locations etc. If the client is not happy with the accommodation, the client should let us know immediately before the itinerary is approved. After the itinerary is agreed upon, if the client changes their mind, there is no guarantee that an alternative hotel will be offered.

25.14.b. Hotel Complaints If there are any problems or concerns at the chosen hotel, it is the full responsibility of the hotel to make any amends to the client and to take action under the hotel's rules and regulations.

25.14.c. Hotel Check-in Check-out times On all package products, all hotel check-in and check-out times vary according to individual hotel policies. Farout Package product does not include early check-in or late check-out fees.

25.15. Daily Pick Up & Drop off Times
25.15.a. pick up and drop-off times on bookings or publications are estimated.

25.15.b. pick up and drop-off times could change or be delayed because of events outside Farouts control (i.e. traffic). If any changes occur, you will always be informed before the product by Farout. (by either email, text notifications or notification on reception at the hotel or face-to-face).

25.15.c. The client must be ready at the time given, so it does not affect onward pickups if the client is not at the arranged place at the arranged time; far out reserves the right to continue with the product without the client. No refund will be given for the product under these circumstances.

25.16. Captains Authority and Responsibility If part of your product includes a blue cruise, then all clients are contractually obliged to comply with the vessel rules for their safety; upon embarking all Farout vessels, there is a meeting explaining safety procedures and vessel rules. The Captain can change the navigation itinerary for the client's safety, the crew, and the ship. Any high-risk activity or water sports the client wishes to partake in do this solely at their own risk. They must comply with local regulations and the crew's opinion and have all the necessary permits and
skills. Our Captains also have the overall authority to terminate any product early due to any circumstances connected to adverse weather, dangerous and highly inappropriate behaviour of the passengers or sudden deterioration of anyone's medical condition. The Vessels Rules are a constituent part of these General Terms and Conditions.

25.17. Guide and Drivers Authority and Responsibility Whilst on any part of the product, the director or driver has the authority to do whatever is necessary regarding the safety of the client and themselves at all times. Our Guide/Driver also has the overall power to terminate or change any product due to any circumstances connected to dangerous and highly inappropriate behaviour of any client, adverse extreme weather conditions or sudden deterioration of anyone's medical condition.

25.18. The information on this website is correct at the time of publication to the best of our belief; we accept no liability for any inaccuracies contained herein.

Farout Cruises - Farout Turkey - Soh Travel Agency - Farout Tourism Co. Ltd.

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Our companies & Services

Farout proudly offers world-class package tours, blue cruises, and yacht vacations.
Farout Turkey

Turkey Tours

Explore our destinations from Istanbul to Cappadocia, Ephesus, Pamukkale and more...

Sail Turkey

18-39's or Mix Age Cruises

Sail Turkey operates hosted many guests since 2002, specializing in 4 to 7-day various blue cruise options for 'Mix Age Travellers' and '18 to 39-year-olds'

Farout Cruises

Gulet Cruises & Private Yacht Charters

At Farout we are passionate about Blue Cruise holidays in Turkey and the Greek Islands and believe they are one of the true highlights of your time in Turkey. With over 23 years of experience, we live and breathe Turkey Gulet Cruising in the southern Mediterranean!

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Member of American Society of Travel Agents
Member of DTO